canned is nice to be the next your meal choice
since it offers a lot of nutrition benefits. Tuna fish contain lean protein,
vitamins, and calcium as well as fat with omega 3 fatty acids which is good to
reduce the risk of heart disease. Although there is a concern with the methyl
mercury contained in the fish which make some people turn down consuming tuna,
however such condition happen for those who eat fish every day without the
right limitation. When you are eating canned tuna in proper way with moderate
consumption, you can reap the benefits of this delicious fish while avoid
yourself to the negative effects of high level mercury content. Below is ten
benefits that you can get when you choose to eat tuna canned fish Indonesia.
10 health benefits
of tuna canned fish Indonesia
There are many health benefits which you
can gain when eating tuna fish, such as:
Aside eggs and various
type of meats, fish is one of the foods with high sources of protein level. It
will be a good choice for dietary and bodybuilding since it offers lean
protein. Canned tuna contains a high protein content about 23 grams in 3.5
ounces serving size. Tuna is a great way to support maintaining strong muscle
plus it also good for hair, blood, nails, and skin.
Good for cardiovascular health
Heart Rate Variability or
HRV is a measure of heart rate function which can be improved by eating fresh
or canned tuna products thanks to its omega
3 fatty acids contained in the fish that can increase the HRV. Furthermore,
omega 3 can help to prevent abnormal heart rhythms development as well.
Stroke is one of severe
illnesses that feared by many people and consuming tuna can help to reduce that
risk. Some research mentioned that adults who take regular diet by eating one
to four servings of fish had about twenty seven percents lower risks for having
ischemic stroke while consuming five or more servings of fish per week helps to
reduce the risk up to thirty percents.
Reduce the risk of heart
Healthy consumption with
moderate amount of tuna can help to reduce the risk of people getting coronary
heart disease. Eating tuna can support to improve the ratio of good cholesterol
(HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body and thus avoid the increased risk
of heart disease particularly when substituted for meals that high in
cholesterol plus saturated fat.
It helps to lower triglyceride
You can lower triglyceride
levels with just consuming tuna canned Jakarta by two servings per week. Triglyceride
itself shows the amount of fat which you are carried and high level of it
meaning that you might have both lower bad and good cholesterol (LDL and HDL
cholesterol) as well. To lower triglyceride levels, you can eat tuna to improve
the good cholesterol/ LDL.
Again, omega 3 fatty acids
in tuna carry a lot of benefits including reduce the risk of obesity plus
enhance body's insulin response. Omega 3 will help to stimulate a hormone
namely leptin which useful to help regulating food intake and body weight while
maintaining body's metabolism in a good condition. Tuna meats are low in both
fat and cholesterol as well so they are a great choice for people who have a
concern in obesity.
B vitamins
Tuna canned factory contain B vitamins which offer many
health benefits such as: it maintains and built red blood cells, improve immune
system, it helps to increase energy and body metabolism plus skin health.
Maintain healthy blood pressure
A study shows that eating
fresh or canned tuna can helps to prevent high blood pressure thanks to, again,
its omega 3 content. And people who struggle with high blood pressure gains
even stronger beneficial effect from omega 3 fatty acids.
Immune system
Just like we already
mentioned before, tuna is a great source of antioxidant which can help to
enhance immune system in your body. By increasing immune system, body will
easier fight against illness, disease, and infections.
Breast and kidney cancer
The recent study said that
tuna fish can help to lower the risk of women getting breast cancer with a test
subject who consume tuna meat regularly. Another study also shows that eating
fatty fish just like tuna fish helps to reduce kidney cancer’s risk.